There’s Tapas & There’s TAPAS!

The ever more popular and evolving world of TAPAS! There is no shortage of tapas dishes to try. Cod fritters, Catalan spinach, boquerones, Iberico ham, croquetas. The list is endless. What isn’t endless is your stomach’s ability to intake food. Under the standard...

Málaga Jazz Festival

Mulatu Astatke at The Cervantes Theatre Málaga 13th November featuring Mulatu Astatke vibraphone and percussions, Alexander Hawkins keyboards, James Arben saxophone, Matthew Ridley double-bass, Benjamin Brown drums, Daniel Keane cello, Byron Wallen trumpet, Richard...

The Cathedral Of Wine…

Sometimes the best things in life just take time… The story began in 1821, when the Barbadillo family settled in Sanlucar de Barrameda and bottled Manzanilla for the first time in 1827, you will discover all the secrets kept within their casks since then...

Riding Off Into The Sunset In Sanlúcar!

Sanlúcar de Barrameda Is a small town on the edge of an estuary, where the fresh waters of the Guadalquivir river, meet the salty Atlantic sea.  First impressions like many Andalucian towns might not be promising, but take a better look and you will find that...